Friday, November 1, 2013


Tonight I'm thankful for the moments in time you wish you could put in a bottle on the shelf.
You know....the ones you wish with all your heart you could take down from the shelf and relive again....
I was tucking Gabe into bed and bent over to give him a kiss like I always do.
He put both his hands up and said: " more kissing me...I'm getting too big."
{this would be the second time he has ever said this in his long-legged seven year old life....both happened this week....what is with this new phase!?!!? why did I think this happens much later?}
So I pretended to pout as I walked away...sighed really loud....and said "Ooooooooookayyyyyy."
"Just kidding! Mommy!!! Just kidding!! Come back! It's ok really......"
So I lean over to kiss his forehead and kisses my cheek.
I walk to the door again and he says, "Wait, Mommy, one more thing!"
I stop and look back.
He is making the cutest little face ever.....moving his whole cheek and mouth up in a funny way.
His eye is twitching and then I realize he's trying to wink at me and he's thinking too hard about it.
I wait....and he finally gets it.....and we both double over laughing.
It's these moments that time stops....literally....and I can't catch my breath because I'm so madly in love with these little monkies....craziness and heart is bursting and my cup is running over.

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