Tuesday, October 1, 2013


On the way home from MeeMee and PawPaw's tonight:

Ellie: Mommy, Gabe has something he really needs to tell you.
Me: Ok?
Ellie: Gabe, you should tell her now so you don't get in more trouble later.
Me: Gabe, you got something you need to tell me?
Ellie: Come on, Gabe, you can do this.
Ellie: Gabe, it's ok, you will be fine...just tell her the truth the first time.
Ellie: Gabe, you really need to tell her, it will be ok! Just tell her the truth!
Ellie: (leans over and whispers) Remember, tell the truth the first time so you don't get in more trouble than you already are in!!!!
Gabe: (frantically) ELLIE! YOU JUST TELL HER!!!
Ellie: (very calmly with a very smarty pants voice)
Ok Gabe....Well, Mommy....this is what happened. Gabe thought
it would be really funny to steal my brand new pet puppy Princess. He took her and he hid
her and thought it was a really funny joke. But it wasn't a really funny joke because it made me
really upset. So it wasn't really kind that he did that. And that was a really bad choice that he made.(Big pause.....then she leans over and whispers:)
Gabe? That's how it happened right?
Gabe: SAD EYES.....Yes, that's what happened Ellie.

*Not only did I just listen to monkey #2 illustrate how she was wronged by monkey #1 AND get him to confess all without me saying more than 1 word....but
I'm pretty sure I just saw our little girl put on her own future MamaMonkey big girl pants on.
Dear Lord in Heaven....help us all. #monkeybusiness #neveradullmoment #lovethemtothemoon

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