Monday, September 30, 2013

A Better Tomorrow

On the hard gotta focus on the sunshine coming down instead of the fears that drown you.
 Listen to the laughter of the littles instead of wallowing in the tears.
You gotta lean into the cuddles instead of giving in to the pain.
Look for the beautiful even in the ugly....and rest in the Promises even in the messy broken.
You didn't start out a good day. It wasn't even really a good middle of the day...But at the end of the day...when it was all said and done...I did a rewind and this is what I saw:
-A sweet little boy who came up behind me and rubbed my back while I put away dishes.
With a sweet smile who said, "Mommy? You needed this didn't you?"
-A sweet girl who gave me extra cuddles today.
-Friends who keep me smiling.
-A mama who is always there for me.
-A brother who calls to take a little boy out in the field and make his day complete.
-A feisty but sweet girl who keeps me laughing.
-A man who will pray with his kids, tuck them in, make me supper, and sit down with me for quality time when I need it most.
And at the very end of the day:
-A God who paints a masterpiece of a reminder in the sky that says:
"I love you... I love you... I love you"
Today is ending a good day. Because really when it's all said and done....there's always someone fighting a harder battle.
And there's always hope for a better tomorrow.

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