Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dear Chicks....

I'm watching alot of hibity bibity going on around me lately. And's breaking my heart.
Somewhere along the way, we are forgetting to talk about the important things in life.
Like how amazing you are....and that you deserve more than settling for less.

LOVE is so much more than the hokey pokey. Yes....the hokey pokey is a gift from God...and it's beautiful and amazing. But that doesn't hold a relationship together. It's a gift that's meant for the perfect time....and for the right one.

LOVE is about having INTEGRITY. Making the right choices when no one is watching.
Being HONEST. Relationships with lies...even with those "fudging the facts" moments that are meant to protect the other person... are not truth. A man who keeps his word and follows thru with what he says is a good man. The foundation of your relationship will crumble and fall apart without complete honesty from each other.

I've never been into the "princess" stuff....but ladies: If he doesn't treat you like a priceless treasure and a princess when you are dating, what makes you think he will when you are married?

You are worth more! You deserve the best of the best.

RESPECT and KINDNESS are huge.....
HARD WORKING and DEDICATION are things you want in your man. If you find a man that will work hard, has respect everyone around him---even when he doesn't agree with them---and he is dedicated to being kind hearted....that is a keeper!

BIG-HEARTED......these men will stop and give attention to the small things in little kids and "please and thank-yous". Because they realize the small things in life are really the big things. want to look for a man who believes in GRACE and forgiveness. Life is hard. We are human and there will be a lot of mistakes made along life's journey. We cannot love well if we don't have grace with each other. are gonna want and need a best friend in the man you are with. One you can be your complete self with...and hold nothing back. One who loves you even when you have no speck of make up on. One who you can have fun with and be crazy silly with. One who will hold you while you do the ugly cry and drench him with buckets of ick and snot. I can promise you this with all my heart.

FAITH....Look for a man who believes in God and realizes there's a bigger picture to our life here on earth. That Heaven really does exist.

As girls...most of us don't want to be alone. We were created to love and be loved. But settling for less just so you don't have to be alone isn't the answer. Think about this: If you settle for less just so you have "someone" you are robbing yourself of something even better if you stay with the one who isn't meant for you. Wait for the one who was created just for you. It will be so worth it!!

And you beautiful chick....reading are worth the wait as well.

With lotsa love and hugs...Mama Monkey

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