I should have known what kind of a day it would be when Gabe was barely done eating his
breakfast and he asked what he could have to eat next. The day went as follows:
9:00 eating breakfast : "Mommy! What can I have to eat next?" he ate....
9:30 "Oh Mommy! I'm so hungry!!!" so he ate....
10:00 "Mommy.....I need food NOW!!" he ate some more....
10:30 "Mommy I'm starving." he had a snack...
11:00 "Is it lunchtime yet?" he ate...
11:30 While eating his lunch..."What can I eat with my lunch?"
12:00 "Mommy I need a snack." he ate some more....
12:30 "I can't believe how hungry I am!" another snack...
1:00 "Moooooommmmmyyyy....my tummy is so hungry!" more healthy snacks....
1:30 "Yummy yummy in my tummy......food where are yooooooou?" and again....he ate....
2:00 "Mommy is it supper time yet?" he ate....
2:30 "Mommy I just ate another apple, 2 baby oranges, some crackers with peanut butter
and I really need something more to eat!"
3:00 "Mommy, I need a pizza." he ate....
3:30 "Mommy why don't you ever feed me?
4:00 Mama Monkey has run away to a warm tropical beach......
someone please contact PapaMonkey and tell him his son
must have the world's largest tapeworm and he needs to bring a semiload of groceries home.
***I discovered Gabe and Aubrie sneaking into my guacamole while they were supposed to be
eating their chips and salsa tonight.
Aubrie makes a face and looks at Gabe with a horrified expression
after her first bite.
Aubrie: "Oh Gabe....me not like this nasty stuff!"
Gabe: "Here try the salsa!"
So she does....
Aubrie: "Oh Gabe!!!! This is too too hot for me!!!"
Gabe: "Ok, you might want to just stick with the wackamole."