Monday, April 8, 2013


Gabe and Ellie were playing outside......Gabe comes running in out of breath talking 100 mph:
Gabe: "Oh my goodness Mommy.......that girl runs so so fast!"
Me: "Who Ellie??"
Gabe: "Yes!!! She was chasing me so fast around the house that I felt like I was going to have to go poop!!!! So I ran even faster and faster and snuck in the house!! She is so fast she is making me poop! "
Me: "Uhhhhhhmmmmm..........."
Gabe: "Oh no! there she goes! she just ran past the door saying she's gonna get me!!! now I really have to go!!!! Don't tell her where I am! I don't want her to know that she was so fast she made me poop!!!"
He speeds off to the bathroom......never a dull moment my friends.....never a dull moment :)

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