Thursday, December 17, 2009

30 Weeks!

Well....I'm dressed like summer and it's Christmas next heating/cooling system in my preggo body today completley shut down and stopped functioning.....I was HOT !!!

I had some crazy contractions 2 nights ago and got me in panic mode of: Oh my goodness.....February is right around the corner!!!! I need to get the bassinet sheets/clothes/etc all washed up, get a bag packed for us.........Funny how with baby #3 you just kinda get side tracked and forget how to be prepared. Or maybe that's just me.......

Part of me is so ready to be done as I'm soooooooooooo uncomfortable and having so much back/sciatic pain. Then part of me is just cherishing these last moments of only 2 monkies......they have been kissing my tummy, and singing, and talking to baby. It's so cute.
Ellie will cock her lil head, pat my tummy, and saw "awe" in cute lil girl way ;)

And then today, I got to hold baby Mia again and the smell, their lil baby noises........just makes me want to hold our little one right now.

1 comment:

Slightly crooked halo =) said...

Oh my gosh time is flying by =0) When exactly in Feb. are you due? Do you need anything???? Let me know! Can't wait to hold lil Strough monkey #3... can't even imagine how handsome/beautiful the newest addition will be! You look AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL! We love you all soooooo very much!!! Thanks for letting us be a part of your family, and for being a part of ours! Big hugs and just remember ... BREATHE through those ;0)