Saturday, August 15, 2009

Pictures-Weekend Wanderings

Now that the ground hornets seem to have disappeared, we are enjoying more time in the backyard.....
Gabe is getting really good at being a big helper.....pulling weeds and all!!!

The famous antique stroller that gets so much playtime....perfect size for Gabe to push Ellie
Here is Ellie trying to sneak a rock to eat.....isn't it boys that do that?!?!?!?!?!?!
And here is Gabe teaching Little Miss how to build a fire in the pit.....

I thank God for these little people gifts....they make the gloomiest day brighter.....

Their new game they invented: Pulling each other on their "blanket boat"

Litte dude with the major ATTITUDE....*sigh* we're working on it.........

1 comment:

Kim said...

That looks like a Paul rocking horse!!