Wednesday, April 1, 2009

For the Mamas

I found this little treasure at today
and wanted to share it with all you young Mamas out there. Sometimes I just need
these gentle reminders for my own Mama heart.

"1-Relax. Relax. Relax.
2-Seek to be a mother at peace resting in God's sovereignty and not a mother driven by fears.
3-Don't take yourself or ideals so seriously...He is good and loving and WILL accomplish HIS purposes.
4-Understand that He gently parents us in love and grace and calls us to the same style of parenting with our children.
5- His unconditional acceptance of us as mamas was bought at the Cross...we can't add to it or perform for it...IT IS SETTLED!! WOO HOO!"

~Aimee at

1 comment:

Slightly crooked halo =) said...

I like the beginning....relax, realx, man I always need that