Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Beautiful Becky

My friend Becky came last night for our traditional french toast supper we have at least once a year (sometimes more if we're lucky that our schedules match up) She goes back to college this Friday so I was blessed to enjoy the last of her summer with her for one night.
Gabe had great fun with her, reading, playing tractors, wearing her sunglasses and when he awoke this morning "Bicki" was the first person he asked and looked for ;)
After putting the kids to bed we enjoyed 3 hours of campfire, music, mudslides, and much needed heart to heart talk. I'm at the season in life that I LOVE being a mama....but I just soak up my "girl time" with good friends. God is so good to give us these.

Only the finest ladies...real country chicks...will get down and play with a green machine ;)

My Beautiful Becky....
Thank you for an amazing night. You never cease to amaze me....you always make me laugh.
You give me smiles and gifts of wisdom. And you know how to have great fun.
AND you still have the greatest hugs ever! Hava great year at college...we'll be praying for you and are excited to see what all God has in store for you: the girl with big guns ;)
Love you so much.....Laura
And before I sign off for the night, I have to share this amazing talented 4 yr old. What a cutie!
Thanks, Hopey, for sharing this....I actually cried. (well, okay, I was having a bad day so everything brought tears to my eyes, maybe it won't affect you the same way ;)

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