Soooo.......I am pooped.....
We started out the day by sleeping in. Lil Miss Ellie decided to wake up at 12:30 last night
and was wide awake talking and laughing til 3:00!! We have no idea what is up with that....
that was a first for her who has slept all night since she was 5 wks old.
We then headed out to do yard work. It was sooooo hot and we got some more nice tans and sunburns....and pulled the million weeds that keep popping up with all the rain. Jason then took the kids on a walk so i could have some peaceful weeding ;) And then had to take a shower as I was dripping sweat everywhere!
After lunch we put the kids down for naps then I started making all my food for tomorrow. (It's Ellie's dedication at church with a meal to follow at our house.) Sooooooo....I decided to make Jiffy Barbeque thinking it would be quick and easy AND I could have it in the crock pot tomorrow morning while we're at church then it will be ready when we got home. Well, with the amount of people we are having I ended up doing 5 lbs of hamburger and that meant the more celery and green pepper to chop up so it just took forever longer than I thoughtSo much for jiffiness!!! I then whipped up a strawberry jello salad which took some time. Then I made M&M cookie bars, 2 cheesecakes (1 blueberry and 1 cherry) and 1 Bishop Chocolate Creme Pie.......and in the middle of all that making, sweating because of our gas stove, and making supper. I told Jason I felt like a pioneer woman slaving and sweating away all day before everyone comes over the next day.
At 730 tonite I was finishing up the pies and cleaning up the kitchen. Then we gave the kids baths and Mom came over with all the folding chairs and tables so we unloaded them. I still have to do the dusting...yippee ;(
But then I probably am not a pioneer woman as we were sitting and eating supper I happened to look up to the skylight windows in our kitchen and saw a plane flying by way way way up was actually really neat...what are the chances I would look up and see that? Guess I'm not on the prairie being Laura is 2008...but I was still sweating over my stove and working hard!
Another neat thing that happened admist all the business was the Holy Spirit fell in the kitchen. Yup! You heard me....admist all the cooking, I always pray over the food that those who eat it would be blessed...especially when I take meals to others. So I was praying away and dancing and singing to Chris Tomlin CD and all of a sudden I just felt the Holy Spirit and I got huge, ginormous goose bumps. It was I repeated the song and lingered in the Spirit and prayed a little more. God knows exactly when we need those moments of just knowing He is right there beside us and I love Him more every day for that.
Hava great rest of the weekend!
Love n Hugs....Laura
Hope Ellie's dedication went well. I'm sure she will grow up knowing the Lord with her great parents! :)
Yea for ellie's dedication. For what its worth, I LOVE my crockpot. The notion that I can throw food in it in the morning and then by 5 it magically becomes a meal is really quite genius.
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