Friday, June 6, 2008

Countrified Hubby

Well dear friends....the day has come....
My dear hubby has officially become countrified. BECAUSE: He has boughten his first piece of bluegrass music!!!!!! Which means it's almost country!!! I never ever ever in my long legged life thought I'd see the day that Mr. Jason Strough: MusicMan, would actually sit and listen to anything that even remotely sounded country. But he has. And it's the best story ever....He came to me and says this:
"Hey, honey, I think I have some music you would actually like. It's a neat group that is really talented called The Isaacs. You should listen to it. " (And I'm thinking, okay, we don't always agree on music, so really, could I really like it?) He also proceeds to take me to the computer and listen to the itunes he downloaded. I then proceed to look them up on YouTube and wow.....once again, I'm amazed and have a jillion goosebumps at this God given talent. Check them out....their voices are incredible. And to God be the glory...they are using them to praise Him.
I think I'm falling more in love with my hubby....and who this time next year he might be actually wearing boots!!! Yeehaa!

1 comment:

Jody said...

I tagged you, go to my blog.