Monday, May 19, 2008

Why I Love My Jason

Tonite when I got home from work there was a new Willow Tree angel sitting on the counter.
He says it's another Mother's Day gift he had ordered.....I was so touched. He had already gotten me 5 massage certificates! yes, you heard me.....5!!!! And my mom had gotten me one also...I'm feeling quite spoiled and pampered.

But anways....I love my Jason because....

1- He words so hard for us that I can be a mostly stay at home mama ;)
2- He gives great massages.
3- He prays with and the kids.
4- He washes dishes quite willingly.
5- He watches the kids for me so I can get out by myself.
6- He helps out with the kids daily without complaining.
7- He plays with Gabe like a fun daddy does ;)
8- He puts up with alot from me.
9- He makes me laugh....oh so hard.
10- He cuddles even though he says it's the stupidest thing ever ;)

* I just got an email today saying "Just want you to know your husband is known as the choir director at Prairie Central that is an awesome Godly man." Now if that don't just make my heart swell up. Thank You Father, for this amazing man!

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