Friday, March 28, 2008

The Heavens Declare

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands."
~Psalm 19:1
I captured this picture the other afternoon in the countryside of Forrest...spring is truly here when the wheat fields become green!
I feel like spring is coming to my heart this year again also. This winter I harbored alot of anger and it turned into bitter roots over time. As the weather becomes warmer and sunnier each day, I feel my Father telling me the same must happen with me. I must let Him in deeper to prune out the bad so that His goodness can spring up anew in me. It's not a fun process....and it usually isn't a quick process with me. My stubborness can work negative too often. So this spring, I open my heart again and say:
"Heavenly Father, come again to my heart. Forgive me for hardening my heart to the things that I haven't let You deal with. Forgive me for letting the anger go too deep and turn into bitterness. I ask You today Father, to be the farmer that my heart needs so desperatley. I want to bring forth abundant fruit Father...and be the woman You are calling me to be. Thank You again, for Your unchanging Love for me." In Jesus' Name...Amen.
Love n Hugs...Laura

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