Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Joy in the Journey

Sometimes it's just the little things that take our breath away and make us feel like the luckiest person in the world. This weekend was full of those moments. Watching my man play his guitar and sing his heart out.....late night heart to hearts and prayers....watching him wrestle with the kids. ..listening to their laughter and holding them close after Baby Magic baths....Their never ending silly songs and crazy questions. ...Their child - like faith and sunshine smiles......Their love for their Daddy, for each other, and little babies at church....Gabe telling us he cant wait to get to Heaven....Ellie and Aubrie forming this new "best friend sisterhood"....it's these moments that remind me to be grateful for each season. Because all too soon one has past and another has arrived. I don't want to miss any of the beauty of the changing colors of life. I'm finding that the joy is in the journey and being so very grateful for those who travel by your side.

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