Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Full Moon

15 signs at the Monkey House that there was a full moon yesterday:

1- Gabe cannot sit still to do his schoolwork.
2- The monkies are arguing about who didn't flush the toilet last and that a certain monkey knows
it's not theirs because of the color of the certain specimen left floating around.
3- Gabe cannot do his school without getting pencil on the wall because his arms seem to have become crazy chicken flappers
4- Certain nasty particles were found stuck to 2 different walls in 2 different rooms and nobody will fess up.  Certain nasty particles start with the letter 'B' and some people find it fun to flick them.
5- Aubrie is hopping around the house with a crazed look in her eyes... chanting "hungry hungry bunny"
6- Ellie convinced the babysitter that she did not need to wear a winter coat in 20 degree weather
7- The monkies can't seem to find their inside voices....everything is being shouted at 100 mph
8- Endless bickering
9- The monkies won't stop running around the house
10- The monkies keep hiding around every corner I turn and think it's hilarious to scare me
11- Multiple times in the last 2 days all monkies have talked in jibberish
12- I have to repeat everything 100 times before I'm heard
13-  "bouncing off the walls" doesn't even come close to this week's description
14- I have composed a song for Aubrie: "These boots were made for stomping."
15- The monkies cannot stop laughing and saying things like "booby! wooby! whippy sticky!"

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