These "littles"......they keep me on my knees....more days than not. Even though I wouldn't trade any crazy messy beautiful part of it.....the moments are never dull and not always easy.....but they teach me more about love, grace, forgiveness, and second chances more than anyone in this whole world. Sometimes we start our days with tears and heartache.....but ALWAYS.....we end our days with prayers and kisses. If there's one thing I want them to remember after I'm gone, it's this: We are all human. We all mess up. We will fail....but tomorrow is a new day. And there's this amazing thing called grace. It never runs out. It's for all of us. And it's all part of this journey called life. You can either throw up your hands and quit when your heart is hurting the most.....or you can push thru the muddy messes. And know that victory is already yours before you even reach that finish line. #icandoallthingsthruchrist #blessedmamamonkey
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