Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Word For Us....

I have a word for all of us. I believe God is seeking to empower us and lift us up. He's not wanting to tear us down. The word is this:

Set aside offenses
Quit protecting what you want
Don't be so easily offended
Quit guarding what you like and value
Work as a team
Don't take everything so personally
Stop fighting for independence
Do warfare against any and all darkness that has crept in
Don't buy into "they don't understand"

The enemy of your life, your anointing, your calling and your dreams will seek to isolate you in a corner, weaken you & make you think life 'isn't fair' and all that is against you is not against anyone else and you are all alone. It's a lie. Stop looking inward and start looking UPWARD.

There's no time for hurt feelings with the work that God is doing. We must be quick to forgive. If you need to get new friends, than do it right now. Stop waiting. If you need to establish some boundaries with family members and friends, than do it. Stop allowing everything in your life to just bleed together in a chaotic mess.

Lay aside control and constraint. Work more on yourself than anyone else and stop trying to make sure everyone else has their stuff together before you feel safe and secure. The only secure place is in the heart of the Father. He adores you and is for you. You can love even the unlovable if you realize this and believe this.

Some of you will have more growth in the next 30 days than you've had in the last 12 months. It's time to do the first things first, take your assignment serious and set aside lesser things.

YOU were created for MORE! Go be that today! Be bigger, be more, rise tall and be strong!

Sandi (Sandi Krakowski)

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