Sunday, February 3, 2013


Driving home from church and Middle Monkey informs me she forgot to put her seat belt on.
So I proceed to launch into yet another lecture about why exactly it's important that she puts
her seat belt on before the monkeybus starts moving.
GPS pipes up with a very sad/dramatic voice: "Remember the accident Mommy where a truck/trailer full of pigs crashed and a bunch of pigs flew out of the trailer into the field...and some them died...and it was so so so so so so sad???!!!!?."
I replied, "yes, I remember." {middle monkey's eyes are getting very big}
GPS then reminds me with a very "know-it-all" voice that pigs don't wear seatbelts so that story doesn't really go along with the lesson I am trying to teach them....he just wanted to remind me of that story.
Oh thank the good Lord for little smartypants monkies.....these littles remind me every day that my life is sure to never ever ever in my long-legged life be boring...ever again.
Meanwhile....big brother's story hit home with the middlemonkey.....she clicked her seatbelt on so stinkin' fast and said she wouldn't forget to do that again.

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