Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Not Naturally
“You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” –1 Corinthians 6:20

"Running up the first steep hill of her half-marathon this weekend, Loretta came up behind a man going maybe half her speed. But since hills are hills, they struggled up together, each at their own pace — two warriors needing the same air to answer the call of the hill. Halfway up, Loretta passed him, but not before they gave each other verbal encouragement.

You know, we’ve received a number of heartfelt emails and messages lately from many of you in dire need of encouragement to exercise. You’ve expressed that, for whatever reason, you just don’t feel motivated. Well friends, we’re praying for you. But at the same time, truthfully, not feeling motivated to honor the body is like saying you’re not motivated to be honest. Remember, just because something doesn’t come naturally to you doesn’t mean you’re not called to do it.

So please be encouraged. And do what God has mandated by respecting your body as one of His valuable tools. And oh, yes, the man Loretta was running with on the hill? He had no legs. Using his arms alone, he slowly turned the wheels of his chair over and over and over. Why did he climb? Well he probably had a few good reasons, but the fact that it came naturally, probably wasn’t one of them. But no matter what (or why), like you and me, He was simply in the race and the hill was in the way. Answering the call of the hill isn’t easy, but because Jesus said yes to His, you can say yes to yours.

–J.P. "

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