Friday, April 22, 2011

The Secrets

The secret to loosing weight ;) only 6 more weeks til Florida!!!!!!!! I can do this!!!

The secret balm to our poor baby monkey's rear these days :( purchase back in the dairy section at Big R.......magical stuff I tell ya.......

The sign in the middle says it all and the boxes to the side: prayer boxes: The secret to keeping your kids worry free and teaching them thankfulness.....

The secret to what keeps this Mama sane these days......

the secret agent to calming teething toddlers.....and much much more....

The secret that helps the back pain 50% of the time...small jar is Tiger Balm

the secret stash i keep when my Gobena coffee is all gone :(

The secret lotion that has given me a nice jumpstart to my summer/Florida tan!

Want some Avon? (gets you darker quicker than the Jergens) Have your people call my people and I'll put an order in for you pronto :)

And now you know all my secrets ;) YOU.ARE.SPECIAL ;) Love and hugs......


mjsteidinger said...

Love it! How do you use the lavender oil for your teething toddler?

Jessica said...

I was wondering the same thing about the lavender oil.

Smileyface said...

ok pure lavendar oil that i buy you have to mix with another oil like vegetable oil to dilute it cuz it's so strong. so you mix then you apply to the jawline, by the ears and pulse point on neck.