Saturday, January 29, 2011

This Little Light of Mine

go check out this beautiful, beautiful song.....

and i bet that you won't be able to stop singing it after you hear it ;)

happy weeekend friends!!! love, hugs, and wet slobbery smooches!!!

PapaMonkey has finally returned after 4 loooooong days (ok well not sooooo long
as my family always does so well providing us distractions and entertainment ;)

we had a super duper fantastical date night watching a movie.....and laughed and laughed...
and loved just being together again. i am so blessed.....

God is so good.....and so good at showing us His love for us....every day.
Be blessed in that and know that tomorrow is a new day if today wasn't what you
were expecting it to be. And let your little light shine.....

1 comment:

mjsteidinger said...

so what did you watch?