Sunday, January 9, 2011

Pictures-Weekend Recap

We had a very very lazy weekend which was wonderful for a change.....Jason ended up being home from work sick on Friday so it felt like the weekend started early for us. Aubrie has had strep/red ears/sinus crap/teething going on this week and Jason and I are both fighting colds.
So we got lots of relaxing, playing Wii, watching movies, catching up on tv shows, playing games, eating, giggling, talking, referreeing.....all in our cozy, warm home. Today we ended the weekend with another relaxing day. Jase and Aubrie stayed home from church while the older 2 kids and I headed to church with Daniel and Gage.....then back home for lunch and football games. And alot more relaxing.....laying around....eating....playing....supper......was a great day.

Thanks to MeeMee for this beautiful dress that Lil Miss's legs are already too long for ;)
She looked adorable for church today.....she threw a royal fit this morning (we have been having lotsa new attitudes and emotional roller coasters out of her) that she couldn't wear her jammies to church and that she had to wear this dress.
Then Daddy told her she looked pretty and she stomped outa the room.
Fiver minutes later she comes up to me, no sign of tears......sparkling eyes and says,
"Mommy! Me so happy now! Me look pretty!" Oh wow......
Thursday night Gabe got a surprise.....he is in love with one of my piano students. And every week he begs for Trenton to stay and play. So this week he did....after quiet time, Gabe and Ellie got to play. Trenton was such a trooper.....he played bulls for a loooooong time ;)
i love it when Ellie likes to be a a little tomboy too ;) john deere and all ;)

even though i'm ready for snow to be done and gone til next was pretty the other pretty i couldn't resist go writing in it.....
BabyMonkey is growing up too fast ;(

Hope you had an amazing weekend full of hugs and smooches and giggles and smiles!

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