Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Pictures-Last Days of Summer

We are trying to enjoy the last days of summer and soak it all in before fall arrives with new adventures........We spent some precious moments with Carson and Meghan---2 of Jason's students whom our monkies have to come love and adore. They head out for college soon :(
Monkey Hide & Seek: ALways leave a foot or hand peeking out for a clue!!!

Met her record length for sitting up all by herself the other day!!!

And big sister was soooooooooo proud while big brother strummed away in the back ground

But then she had enough.......she was soooooooooo tired....it was hard work afterall!

She loves playing with Daddy's hair....
Oh my goodness, I could not stop laughing the other day when Gabe came out in the kitchen lookin' like this......this is one monkey you don't want to mess with!
Aubrie looks almost exactly like Gabe's baby pictures at this age....

Quality time with Daddy is always the best ;)

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