Monday, March 1, 2010

Oh Be Careful

Oh Be Careful Little Hands what you do.....
Oh Be careful little feet where you go....

Oh Be Careful litte eyes what you see....For the Father up above is looking down in Love....
Oh Be careful little eyes what you see.
~This little kids' song has been going around in my head after singing it with the monkies.
So many times I have, this is a good reminder for me too....not just for the little ones.

1 comment:

Slightly crooked halo =) said...

Oh sooooo true ;0) Pastor kinda hit on that Sunday too, with our "entertainment".. being careful what we immerse ourselves into. Have you heard the song Slow Fade by Casting Crowns? It's all about that little song we learned in church when we were kids, and the ending of it is adorable.. it's a little girl singing "oh be careful little eyes what you see"... etc... check it out on youtube =0) I gotta give serious props to you and Jason for the control you keep on what they see, and what you guys see! Way to go mommy!!!! Love you & HUGE HUGE HUGS!