Tuesday, May 26, 2009


This morning I overslept.....had full intentions of getting up early to drink coffee and spend time with Jesus. At 7:45, I woke up in fog....seriously thinking about rolling over and sleeping more after weeks of BUSYNESS. But Gabe was stirring.....so I got up, got him some milk and shut his door again as he seriously acted like he needed more sleep.

Little Miss Ellie had not made a peep. So I decided well, I'll make a pot of coffee and try to get at least 1 cup in since the kids have been normally waking up at 730ish the last couple weeks.

The Good Lord knew how much I needed time with Him this morning in a baaaaaaaaaaad way.
Not only did I get to oversleep and 1 cup of coffee........
I got the blessing of 2 little monkies sleeping until 10 AM!!!!!
And got my whole pot of coffee drank.........and lotsa good time with Jesus.

AND....when I woke both kids up they were as happy as could be.....played together for hours without fighting at all. (And the past couple wks have been completely opposite of that!)

These are my favorite monkies in the whole wide world.....And even those these past couple wks have been crazy with Jase's musical, birthday parties, award ceremonies, graduations and parties......And Jase and I both lacking much time in The Word....we made it thru this season.
Because of Jesus.......we got thru the craziness. We got thru the frustrating times of treating each other poopy because of our own stupidity of not staying close to Him and the Cross.

Because of the daily gifts He gives us:
1- Forgiveness of our selfishness, our mistakes, our impatience
2- Grace that overflows our home
3- Peace that passes all understanding
4- Rivers of Joy
5-LOVE for us, even when we don't deserve a bit of it......
Jason and I were talking last night how much we are learning from our mistakes....we just have to daily make the choice to apply to our lives what we learn even when it's hard.
Honey....I love you and am so thankful that you keep loving me even when I keep messing up.
To my Mom....thank you for always listening and keeping us covered in prayer.
To my dear friend Angie....thank you for being a sounding board too but most of all for reminding me that I can do this, because I have it in me!
THANK YOU JESUS....thank You that when we walk thru these valleys, that no matter what, You are still with us when we get to the other side. And though the refiner's fire may get really hot at times, thank You that You never fail to give us refreshment with Your Living Water!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

What!!!! Your kids sleep til 7:30 or after??? Mine think that wake up time is no later than 6:05 !!!!