Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Not Forgotten

This woman really inspires me.......and this post made me cry....
go read it and be blessed. Maybe I'm just hormonal today, but it really
made me cry just thinking of that day that is gonna come and Jesus
will take me by the hand and lead me into Heaven.

I can't wait.......

Hava great week dear friendys!!!! And by the way....THANK YOU
FOR YOUR PRAYERS TODAY!!!!! My MRI went so much better
than my first experience years ago.
(In a nutshell, the first time I had one I said I wasn't chlosterphobic when
the tech asked me the questions they ask you before
the procedure is done................and halfway thru the MRI, I almost had a panic attack...
but thankfully made it thru with LOTSA praying.) So I was NOT looking forward to this.

Today I had so much peace and my tech was a former classmate so we
got a good chat session in while I was there and she was soooooooooo
comforting and sweet. So thank you for praying.....

ALSO: Today is my first day in the last 2 months that the pain in my back
is actually bearable!!!! So thank you, thank you all......there is so much power
in prayer!!!! God is so good to give us each other to lift up to His throne room
and lay our request at His feet........and He is so very faithful to give us peace.

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