Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pictures-This and That

This if fun for 1 month....NOW bring on the summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lil Miss is making a new fashion statement....

She loves the green stuff just like her big brother....they fight like all get out to ride this!!

So we work real hard at sharing and taking turns.....

Thankfully there are 2 dump trucks, so it's all good because she would rather play with that than her 5 dolls she has......*sigh* she truly is a girl after my own heart ;)

Daddy thought it would be cute taking a picture of her temper tantrum....

All kinds of monkey business happening here at our house in the winter time....
Suckers are the latest greatest treat when there is good behavior...if only this would work with potty training........grrrrrrrr

And so the monkey tales continue......


Anonymous said...

great pictures!!

miss ya, hope

thirty second reset said...

your kids are so cute! i must visit sometime... love you and miss you friend!

Anonymous said...

oh, the kids look like they are growing! yup, we are so excited about nicer weather and being outside too. thanks for sharing!

SLP said...

Potty training...grrrrr...I think potty training is a joke that those "expert" books try and get us to do and then laugh behind our backs:) The little guy I babysit is just now pretty good at it all and is almost 4. Although he still needs help or I need to clean the bathroom after every "aim". IT'S A CRAZY THING and I do not look forward to the process with David! After all that...GOODLUCK!

Julia Bauer said...

Such cute pictures. I LOVE Miss Ellie's fashion statement! :) Yes, good luck to you on the potty training. I know my friend at work had a time of it with her son. (I hear boys have a harder time than girls, lucky us!) I already told Ty he gets to be in charge of potty training for Harrison. Haha! :)