Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I Will Be Still

Well, last night was another long night. From 12-4 am, Gabe was throwing up every hour until
he had finally emptied his poor tummy. The most awful thing was that he wasn't even waking up. He would throw up in his was horrible. I just prayed and prayed.

At 5:30, Ellie woke up screaming, so I checked her pants and she had pooped...and was bleeding. She has had a rash and sore bottom from teething so has been on prescription strength butt cream. It helped one day then it got worse and turned into burns. It's awful when she pees or poops (pardon my bluntness) but she just gets stiff and screams and shakes. So tonite, bless Dad and Mom's hearts....they got some Bag Balm from Big R and we're gonna try that next.

So....I did not go to work today. He didn't throw up at all today but was very clingy and whiney.....and tired. Thankfully Dr. Austman has been very understanding and sympathetic. She called a couple times this morning to try to figure out what we can do to help Gabe. I was very up front with her and asked if this situation had her stumped. She said, in a way yes....she just wants to help him feel better and get to the bottom of this. So she consulted with Dr. Brewer and called back with some solutions. So now he is taking breathing treatments, allergy cough medicine, Mucinex over the counter, and nose spray. I hope and pray one of these do the trick. We're propping him up, running the cool mist machine thingy (my brain is so fried and sleep deprived I can't think of it's name) and he's pumped full meds.....we're praying for healing and answers soonly!

Thank you to my Mom who is an absolute angel.....I don't know what I'd do without you!! I love you more every day and thank God for the gift of you!!! Thank you also to my "Mama friends"....Barb and Marie, specifically for all the helpful advice. And to Pastor Kim and Jennifer for keeping in touch with wisdom and prayers. We love you all and appreciate you so much.

Tonite I heard this song for the first time and it really hit home. Despite the stormy season of life we are in, when I was at the grocery store getting stuff for tomorrow....I was still able to feel excited and thankful for the holiday and getting together with family. God is so good....We have been blessed with so much and I keep reminding myself, things could be worse.

Words and Music by Reuben Morgan

Hide me now
Under your wings
Cover me within your mighty hand
When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with you above the storm
Father you are king over the flood
I will be still and know you are God
Find rest my soul In Christ alone
Know his power
In quietness and trust

Hava blessed Thanksgiving! Love n Hugs...Laura

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