Monday, September 8, 2008

Sacred Marriage

"Personal worship is an absolute necessity for a strong marriage. It comes down to this: If I stop receiving from God, I start demanding from others. Instead of appreciating and loving and serving others, I become disappointed in them. Instead of cherishing my wife, I become aware of her shortcomings. I take out my frustrations with a less-than-perfect life and somehow blame her for my lack of fulfillment.
But when my heart gets filled by God's love and acceptance, I'm set free to love instead of worrying about being loved. I'm motivated to serve instead of becoming obsessed about whether I'm being served. I'm moved to cherish instead of feeling unappreciated. "

~Devotions for a Sacred Marriage By Gary Thomas

I found this on Beth Moore's blog today and all I have to say is OUCH!
I really needed that kick in da rear!


Heath and Lindsey said...

Hey, how are you?
No, I am not done having kids, but who knows when the next one will come and what sex it will be....

Are You guys going to come down South for this Big event? We are having a preview night Friday from 5-8. I can Email you directions if you want them.

Slightly crooked halo =) said...

You go girl =) A message I needed to hear too! I have to admit that I said ouch myself! Thanks for kicking me in the rear