Friday, September 19, 2008

He is For Us

"Regardless of how long we've been Christians and how deeply we've studied God's Word, most of us don't really believe down in the marrow of our bones that God is entirely, wholeheartedly and unwaveringly on our side. We live most of our lives unconvinced that God is really for us. We have little trouble picturing ourselves on God's side, but for the life of us we can't picture God stooping down enough to be on ours." Beth Moore, Stepping Up

This really hit me tonite as I read many times I waver....I struggle...I lose hope for moments....because sometimes it's just so hard to comprehend God's love for me. Sometimes in the hard moments of dark heart fears that God will stop loving me.....that He will give up on me....that He won't really be there to pull me thru because I don't deserve it.

This love....this never ending love from our Heavenly Father is so hard for my heart to understand sometimes. But hallelujah for the Cross. Jesus paid it all...all to Him I owe.
And in the darkest moments no matter how deep the unbelief...God's love pulls me up, out,
and closer still to Him. And because of His undying heart starts to believe again.
That He would love a wretch like me. That He is for us......

Thank You Father....Thank You.

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