Friday, August 15, 2008

Pictures-Summer Fun

The Mister decides to get into Mommy's spaghetti when she is busy in the other room.

Ellie is pulling herself up on EVERYTHING the past week....and doing well with "walking" when she's being helped with it

Ellie's "scrunchy face"

One last visit from Uncle Matt before he headed back to Southern for college....Gabe actually said his name this time!
(we have a hard time getting him to say words at times because he is STINKIN' STUBBORN!)

Left picture: Gabe dipping his chips in Ellie's
cereal/bananas.....he is my son.....dips everything in anything ;) (well, okay, mostly just ranch dressing, but Gabe is starting a new trend)


Jody said...

Wow, he looks a lot different with his hair cut.

Marie Stork said...

Busy Busy Busy! I know what your days are like.

Mary Sue said...

Wonder where Ellie gets her knack for faces? Your kids are so adorable!