Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Gabester

Well the Gabester was a fully energized bunny this noon I felt like I had worked a full day already. He was into everything all morning long.....being extra mischievous. And really, if I would have taken the time to think about it, I shoulda figured it was about time again as the last couple days he's being doing really well.

The days usually start by him saying, "Go car." As soon as I enter his room in the morning. He then asks to find Paw-Paw or Daddy and insists on going in the car. He would be fine in skipping getting dressed and no breakfast...he just loves to go in the car. His activities this morning consisted of the following.

1- taking multiple water bottles and dumping them out on the kitchen floor.
2- Dumping baby powder in Ellie's carpet.
3- Following me into the bathroom and sneaking out the baby shampoo and squeezing it
out onto his clothes, his legs, his sandals, the floor......nice!
4- Dumping his leftover lunch on the floor....everywhere (which is a big no-no...he knows better)
and stuffing so much down the sides of his chair and pants that i just picked his high chair up and took him outside and undressed him out there he had made such a mess. He then needed a shower as he had plastered as much chicken and rice to his head and hair that was possible.
5- Took all Daddy's Mountain Dew cans out of fridge and shook them up good ;)
6- Snuck Ellie's pacifier away from her again and was laying quietly under the coffee table.
7- Tried feeding Ellie graham crackers.
8- Knocked down the childproof gate in his bedroom was a first time he had figured out if you run and push it hard enough it just might give, he had the most priceless/guilty look on his face.
AND last but not least....we were getting ready to leave at noon for Mom and Dad's....I had Ellie in her seat, buckeled in and sitting on the floor and went into her room to get the diaper bag, came back out and in those few seconds, he had picked up her VERY heavy carseat and hauled her across the dining room and was getting ready to turn her upside down......I yelled so loudly and moved so quickly it scared the pee right outa him. I'm hopin' the good scare he got means he won't be attempting it again any time soon.

Sooooo......the afternoon was a little bit calmer. I enjoyed my time cleaning for an older's nice to hava break from the kids and make a little money. This evening Jason and I took the kids on a walk and visited with our neighbors. It had even cooled down a bit just like last night. Last night we enjoyed a campfire with Isaac and Chelsea and started brainstorming a camping trip up....sounds like tent camping is the cheapest way to have fun this summer with gas prices and all!!

Hava great weekend! Love n Hugs...Laura

1 comment:

Marie Stork said...

This post makes me tired reading it! I'm thankful to be past this stage in life. Those were the days when you think the sun can not set fast enough. Hang in there. Soon...when they make those messes...they will learn they have to clean them up themself or else!